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Crystal's Blog

Reflections of a Writer

What Kind of Jewel Am I?


As I sit here writing this blog post, I'm at my favorite place...the park. I'm enjoying the fresh air, the birds singing, the trees swaying and the water glistening. I'm debating what to blog about so I am going to do what writers do...just write. I just finished reading an awesome book by Priscilla Schreier called A Jewel In His Crown. You see for those who know me it is rare I actually finish a book. Don't get me wrong, I love learning new things, but when it comes to reading I get easily sidetracked. Either by life's distractions or a lack of interest I rarely seem to finish reading new books. This book was different! My life began changing from the first word I read until the last word and I assure you after reading this book my life will never be the same.

As I entered this reading journey, I began to ponder this question in the back of my mind, "What jewel am I?" I didn't know what to expect from this book, but I knew that I was anxious to see. Would it compare women to precious jewels to help us identify our personal character traits? Or would it deal with Christ's sacrifice on the cross and the significance of the crown that was placed on His head?

I quickly realized it was dealing with my life. Every chapter is speaking to me where I am right now in my life...the crossroad.

For the past few months, I've been at a place in my life where I am growing in my walk with Christ, but the more I grow the more distant I became from others around me. My desire to read His word and commune with Him every day has become a priority. Even at work when a certain song plays on Pandora, I close the door and cry out to Him. Some evenings when I arrive home I just want to go to my room and worship. Believe me when I say every moment in His presence leaves me yearning for Him even more.

So as I began to spend more time with Christ, a part of me wanted for those closest to me to do the same. Now I'm not the type to force anything on anyone. I just hope my actions will encourage them. So I did all I know how to do...pray and ask God to help me walk a life that is aligned with His word so others can see Him in me. I had to continue to do as scripture reminds us and "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth." (2 Timothy 2:15 NIV)



So as I continue to grow in my relationship with Christ, why are the pressures of life seeming heavier now than ever before? Loss of my grandmother, job insecurity, can't find the right house, growing apart from friends, and the list goes on. I quickly realized the devil is not happy that I am spending more time with my Heavenly Father! In fact, he is HOT AS FIRE because now I am equipping myself daily to withstand his temptations and tests. I am learning scripture to speak against Him and each time I do I take back something he previously stole from me! And most importantly, I believe God's word is true so the enemy has no power over my life. Luke 10:19 NIV reminds us, "I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you." I have power!

As I finished this book, I began to understand the question I should have been asking myself was do I even have a place on His crown? Well now more than anything I want to be in the will of God. I was reminded I am a princess and a daughter of the Most High. My life as a woman has meaning and purpose and nothing pleases God more than for me to know my worth as His daughter. I am a precious jewel formed by the Master's Hand sculpted under pressure to be revealed as fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:14, Author Emphasis)

So today my sister, I encourage you to grow in your personal walk with Christ. Yes it is a decision made with the heart and yes it requires a sacrifice of yourself. Yes you may feel isolated and yes others may not walk with you. Yes the enemy will be on your heels and yes you will face the pressures of life. But the best part is, the enemy has already been defeated! You will become better equipped to speak life and our Heavenly Father is smiling and awaiting to say those words we all want to hear "Well Done." So press on, move forward and know your life will be overflowing with His blessings because of your obedience to seek Him first. If there is any doubt whatsoever, start today so you too can secure your place setting as a jewel in His crown!



Crystal D. Jenkins


7 For we don’t live for ourselves or die for ourselves. 8 If we live, it’s to honor the Lord. And if we die, it’s to honor the Lord. So whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord. 9 Christ died and rose again for this very purpose—to be Lord both of the living and of the dead. 

Romans 14:7-9 (NLT)

Live “On Purpose”


It’s Saturday morning and when you turn over in the bed you realize you have a free day. Wait did I say free day? What’s that? Whoever has free time anymore these days? Well you will be surprised how many of us wake up each day and do whatever we want. Whether it is run errands, pay bills, go to the gym, hang out with a friend, catch a movie, go shopping or just sleep in…it’s our agenda. But what about God’s agenda? Every day we are to live as unto God and according to His purpose for our life. So are you living for yourself or are you living “on purpose”?


Just last week, I was feeling bummed about my revised edition book not being released yet. I had worked so diligently over the holidays and then it was like I hit a road block called distractions. I was allowing any and everything to keep me from moving forward. One of my family members became deathly ill so I was out of town more often and used this an excuse to not work on the book. Yes I was tired but that is no excuse to not live on purpose! I should have prayed for strength and kept moving forward. Then it was uncertainty on my job so I used the excuse of stress and headaches to not feel like working in the evenings. That is no excuse to not live on purpose! I should have prayed for healing and kept moving forward! And then my old faithful twins laziness and unmotivated joined forces. If I had a Saturday free, I would sleep in, watch TV, play games or hang with friends. And then I would have the nerve to complain I was busy all weekend. Yet another excuse when I should have been praying for focus and direction. All these instances to live for Crystal and not on purpose. 


So today I challenge each person reading this to Live On Purpose! Make life count! One of my friends said it best, “Some people’s purpose is their undiscovered passion and some people’s passion is their misguided purpose.” If you have an undiscovered passion, seek God for your purpose and ask Him to make it plain for you. Pray daily and when it is revealed WRITE IT DOWN. If you know your purpose but are not walking fruitfully in it then seek God for clarity, guidance and direction. You must be willing to hear what He may say to you and WALK IT OUT. One thing for sure we do not want to live an unfulfilled life on this earth and then die with all our potential. Do something about it today! Continuously ask yourself, “Am I living on purpose?”

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